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Find out news about the RGPS and pensions in general.
Find out news about the RGPS and pensions in general.
Beware of Pension Scams
Pension scams can happen to anyone, and scammers are becoming more sophisticated, making it harder to tell what’s genuine.
The Pension Scams Action Group has put together a checklist to go through...
RGPS Member Newsletter
The 2024 annual newsletter has now been issued to all members. A copy can also be found under Documents > Newsletters and Summary Funding Statements.
This newletter explains important pension...
Pension Credit - Deadline approaching
The final date for households to make a backdated claim for Pension Credit is quickly approaching. If you are entitled to Pension Credit, but haven’t yet claimed, the deadline to make a backdated...
Have you updated your Expression of Wish Form?
Your Expression of Wish Form allows you to nominate who you would like to receive any lump sum benefit from the Scheme payable on your death. It is important that you keep your Expression of Wish...
Scams Awareness Week (21-25 October)
Anyone can be the victim of a pension scam, no matter how financially savvy they are.
Scammers try to persuade individuals to transfer their entire pension savings, or to release funds from it, by...
Are you eligible for Pension Credit?
Nearly 880,000 eligible households are estimated to be missing out on this support.
Importantly, if you are eligible for Pension Credit you will also be eligible for a Winter Fuel Payment for this...